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Mindset & Body Therapy

For your


Extraordinary demands are placed on our minds, but when you’re busy, it can be easy to forget about looking after your mental health. That’s why I’m here - to empower you to take greater control of your mental well-being.  

Most of us feel the burden of achieving the perfect work-life balance. As life continues to move forwards, we often find ourselves juggling multiple roles; whether that’s personal or work relationships, marriage, career, or parenthood. These changes are specific and unique for every body, but a perceived lack of balance can lead to a negative spiral of thoughts and emotions. I am here to help you identify these negative emotions and to teach you life-changing habits that will help you move forwards in your life with focus, positivity and happiness. 

Mindset Coaching can help you achieve...

Greater Confidence

Reduced Stress


Better Focus

Lower Anxiety

Better Relationships


Less Guilt

Work-Life Balance

Mindset Coaching: How it works

I want you to feel as comfortable as possible during your Mindset Coaching.

Your coaching begins with an online 6-week program. You can opt to have personal sessions with me, or you can choose to join a pod of up to 6 other people - led by myself - where clients often find that the community and shared experiences offer additional support and guidance... the choice is yours.

The Mindset Coaching Program always begins on a Saturday, giving you the weekend to prepare for our first session together the following week. You will then be guided through 6-weeks of Positive Intelligence Coaching - tailored to your specific goals - with daily practice guided by a handy app on your mobile phone to build your mental fitness. You only need to dedicate a minimum of 15-minutes per day to your practice, and I will be there to support and guide you weekly in your 1:1 or group pod sessions. 

1. Identify Saboteurs

I will help you identify the sources negative thoughts and emotions  that we all experience including stress, anxiety and guilt. These are the results of self-sabotage in your own mind. To achieve true wellness, you need a positive mindset and without it you are sabotaging your potential for both performance and happiness. I will help you get it.

2. Learn Mental Fitness

I will guide you to strengthen the part of your brain that serves you and weaken the part that sabotages you - allowing you to handle life’s challenges with a more positive mindset, and with less stress.


This is called Mental Fitness

and I can help you get it.  

3. Build Habits

My Positive Intelligence Coaching embeds scientifically proven, life-changing habits that will increase your happiness and productivity.

You only need to dedicate a minimum of 15-minutes per day of your undoubtedly busy schedule and the exercises are customised to you based on how you are sabotaging yourself.  

4. Be Empowered

I will empower you to establish mental fitness in your life.

I will help you shift the balance of your mind and allow you to experience immediate and sustained improvements in both your well-being, happiness, relationships and potential.

Positive Intelligence

Mental fitness is a measure of the strength of your positive mental muscles versus the negative. This measure of your Mental Fitness is called PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient). My Mindset Therapy coaching program is built on the ground-breaking PQ method of Stanford Lecturer, Shirzad Chamine, whose research with over 500,000 participants has shown PQ to be the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential. 

Let’s work together and allow your mind to thrive.
Book your Mindset Coaching today...  

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